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Wisdom - from some wise men
Zen, Osho, Sosan, Lao Tzu, Gurdjieff, Krishnamurti, Dhammapada
The Chinese horoscope
The Meditation Tip Of The Day - see what people say about it...
The Meditation Tarot - the transformation game of meditation, pick a card every day.
A list of Books - on Meditation and Wisdom
Travel - links to travel online

Review of by clickstoday "Best of the Net"
NEED TO RELAX?... "In the hustle-and-bustle world where most of us live, we all search for anything and everything that can possibly help us relax or even just slow our lives down a little. Alcohol seems to be the relaxant of choice, but there are better ways to catch a buzz. Check out Deeshan's Meditation Tip of the Day. The site has daily quotes for you to ponder in meditation. Just take a little time to make yourself disappear. I'm sure you'll be glad you did. Don't forget to choose your tarot card of the day and horoscope of the month for valuable advice that might change the flow of your life. "
Submitted by: Jeri Noble
Beautiful oriental drawings adorn this wonderful website, which is very "zen" in nature. The meditation tips are excellent and you can sign up to receive them by e-mail, either daily or weekly. But that's only the beginning of what's available for you here. In the "creativity" section, you'll find a photo tour of the Taj Mahal, poetry, and some of Deepa's beautiful pen and ink drawings. Exploring this area can take a while, so you may want to move over to the "Wisdom" section first. With an eclectic grouping of articles and quotations, you'll find nourishing food for the mind. There are more categories to play with, including a travel section and monthly religious or philosophical jokes in "Jokes." The beauty of the site makes any of your explorations here a real joy.
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 08:28:13 -0400